Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Merry Christmas All!!!

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Soccer Boy

Kai started his first season of soccer a few weeks ago. I got to watch him for the first time on Thursday and he made me proud. His courage to go after the ball grew as the game progressed. His team, the Tigers, won this week.

Eli wants in on the soccer action as noted from this fun video we got today while listening to conference.

Pretty talented kid, isn't he?

Isn't she cute?

Zia has the spirit!! She may have helped them win.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Welcome to the Birdhaus

I've wanted to start a blog for some time now. Hopefully, this works out well. What can you say, it's free. About a week ago, our family and Grandma Simmons spontaneously sent off for San Diego, our favorite vacation spot. We are waiting for the ferry at Del Coronado across the bay from Downtown. Fun, fun.

Well, it was the hottest trip to San Diego I've ever had. They had a "Heat Wave." Tammy doesn't have an air conditioner. That's the way it is when its 75 degrees year round. We didn't let the heat beat us. We got to see "Bodies the Exhibit", the beach, and the Mission Beach roller coaster. Overall, a great trip.